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Sunday, June 15, 2008

Who's your daddy?

That's a question Mitchell will not likely get asked since he is the spitting image of his daddy. I think Jacob enjoyed his first Father's Day! I told him that we could do whatever he wanted to do aaaaallllll day long. Any guesses?????? Yes, our day revolved around home improvement projects. We made trips to Home Depot, Nebraska Furniture Mart and Sears clearance center. We spent Mitchell's naps working on the bathroom tile (ALMOST DONE!).

Funny story followed by a funnier picture. The day started out very nice, but a big storm blew in mid-afternoon and the temperature dropped by probably 15 degrees. Jacob changed into a long sleeved t-shirt, so I told him that if he was cold, Mitchell was probably cold too. I asked him to change Mitchell into a warmer outfit...and this is what Jacob came up with! Ha! I am by no means a fashion queen, but I did have to explain that just because things are blue, doesn't necessarily mean that they belong together. Mitchell couldn't have cared less...maybe my tolerance is just preparing for the days when Mitchell demands to dress himself!


Richard Wasleski said...

I've had to explain the whole color concept to Richard before too. As long as it is in the same family of colors, he thinks it goes together. I love the pictures of Mitchell eating and can't wait to try rice cereal with him. Our pediatrician said not until 6 months, but I may disobey and follow your pediatricians advice.

Amanda Stehlik said...

Okay, I love the tile work. Just so you know, we did a little home improvement on Saturday instead of Sunday (wallpaper...the worst job of all time) and weeded the garden on we deserved the ice cream cake X 2.