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Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Kelli & Mark's Wedding!

My sister, Kelli & Mark were married on Saturday in St. Paul, Minnesota. It was a GREAT wedding! We headed north on Wednesday and lived in wedding mania for four days. What a great time! :)

It did rain some on their wedding day, but it didn't hinder things at all!

Look how beautiful the church was!

Her theme was sailboats, so the boys dressed as sailors. Mitchell was a perfect ringbearer!

Little Mav wasn't so perfect during the ceremony, he was a little upset that he couldn't stand with me and the other bridesmaids :)

I doubled as Matron of Honor and photographer (with LOTS of help from Jacob). I'm still sorting through the 2,200 photos, but had to at least post a few! More to follow.....
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad it went well, love the pics. Congrats Kelli : ) ....This will give Mitchell some good practice!!
