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Monday, May 09, 2011

The happiest of Mother's Days!

What a great Mother's Day! I literally got everything I wanted :) A little rest and relaxation (a NAP!), lots of time with my boys (all three of them) and a photoshoot of my favorite subjects (in our church's memorial garden before church). A pretty simple day, really....simply wonderful.

Oh, and Jacob got me a little point and shoot camera to carry in my purse. I absolutely love my big camera, but often find myself reluctunt to carry it (to the zoo, etc) because of it's size. I'm excited!

Ahhhh :)


Mitchell was helping Maverick climb onto a rock. It might look a little strange if you didn't know what they were doing :)

Ahhh...finally a picture of them together where they are both smiling! Too bad Maverick's head is blocking Mitchell's a little...I'm never satisfied, huh? :)

I absolutely love this last picture. I'm not quite sure why, but I just think seeing Maverick in the background is so cute :) He was FASINATED with the fact, he tried to take a nose dive once. We had to get out of there before he was too wet to attend church!

Happy Mother's Day to all of the Moms out there...especially my Mom.  She is the best Mom and Grandma!  We love you!


Lisa said...

Happy Mother's Day, Mandi! Your boys (all 3 of them :-)) are lucky to have you! And you're lucky to have them. Cute pictures!

Pat Bays said...

Your post is the best Mother's Day gift I could ever receive!!! Now I know why David asked me if I saw the blog yesterday! Thank You!