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Monday, January 11, 2010

Frosty the Snowman

Mitchell loves singing lately! His favorites seem to be "Frosty the Snowman" and "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer", although "The Itsy, Bitsy Spider" would be a close runner up! He likes to take turns singing then he demands that I sing and then Daddy sings. Fun times :)

He is sleeping in his big boy bed like a champ these days. He has literally all but forgotten about his crib. He stays in there all night and even stays in it and reads himself some books when he wakes up in the morning. Yesterday, I heard him rustling around on the monitor, so I poked my head in only to hear "Mommy, go back downstairs. I'm reading my books." Well, okay - you don't have to ask me twice to go back to bed! :)

1 comment:

Chris, Celeste & Cass said...

So cute - he is so advanced with his speech!!! We have the fireman duck on the faucet too! :)