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Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, November 09, 2008

We FINALLY made it!

Here is a little timeline of Mitchell and I's flight to Minneapolis:

Thursday, November 6th
-4am - Mitchell woke up (as normal), but instead of trying everything within reason to get him back to sleep, we began our day.
-5am- We are packed up in the car and headed to the airport for our 6:40am flight.
-5:20am - I realize we have forgot something CRUCIAL (long story) at home and turn around to get it.
-6:05am - Arrive at airport and bust our buns to the ticketing area only to wait in line.
-6:12am - Reach the front of the ticketing line and am informed that because are within 30 minute of our departure time, we will have to take the 9am flight instead.
6:12 - 6:15am - Unbuckle Mitchell from his stroller to hold him, so use him to help my case as I beg and plead with the lady to let us on the early flight! It does not work.
-6:15am - Call my mom in a tissy and inform that we'll be arriving at 11am instead of 8am.
6:15 - 8:30am - Mitchell and I make lots of friends in the airport.
8:30am - Finally board flight
9am - 10am - Mitchell sleeps for basically the entire flight.
11am - Mom and David meet us at the airport. I hand over Mitchell and borrow one of their cars to head downtown to my class.
11:30am - I finally arrive at my class that started at 8:30am!!!!
Luckily, I was just attending this one - not teaching!

Although the first morning was a bit rough, we've had a GREAT trip so far! It's snowy and cold, so we broke out one of Mitchell's cute winter hats! (In case you can't tell, it's a dog.)

Mitchell is still small enough to bathe in the sink. He thinks it's fun and we think it's cute :)
We had a playdate with the neighbors yesterday. They have twins that are 2 months older than Mitchell. This is Beau. Braxton is the other, but he was napping. They have a beautiful view of the Mississippi river out of their windows (they are also the ones with the pool that overlooks the river that I had on an earlier blog.)

They have TONS of toys, so Mitchell had a ball playing at their house!

We are getting lots of quality time with Aunt Kel, Grandma and Grandpa. More pictures to follow later....
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