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Friday, November 14, 2008

Signing and Saying "Cat"

Mitchell is a LEARNING machine lately! He just watches and watches us and tries to mimic everything that we do (good and bad!)

I am really trying to work with him on his sign language. Here is a little video of him saying and signing "cat" (I have taught him the sign using just one hand) Isn't it cute?!?!

There have been a few skeptics saying "why would you teach him to sign? Just teach him to talk!" No fear - we're obviously teaching him to talk too! Here is a site that does a good job of capturing the benefits of teaching hearing babies sign language.


Kristen said...

That child is so precious :) I swear-he doesn't stop smiling! I love his sweet little voice!

Anonymous said...

You probably get tired of hearing this--but Mitchell reminds me so much of Jacob. It's such a pleasure to recall memories of Jacob when he was Mitchell's age.

I'm really impressed by the sign language you're teaching Mitchell--you're doing a great job!