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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Kitchen helper, thumb sucker and sleepover

Here are a few pictures of my little kitchen helper. Among his favorite activities lately is helping to unload the dishwasher (onto the floor, utensil by utensil) and clean out the refrigerator (by taking all of the things on the bottom shelf and throwing them on the floor).

Did I mention that Maverick has become a thumb sucker? It's like his thumb didn't exist for the first 8 months and now all of the sudden he just can't get enough of it. He got both of his top two teeth in late September/early January and his thumb seemed to take the brunt of the teething action!

Mitchell had his first sleep over! Our neighbor friend, Luke, who is 1 day older than Mitchell stayed the night with us on Friday. Mitchell loved the company! They played all evening and then when it was time for bed, they each curled up on their side of Mitchell's bed. I heard a "Mommy, Mommy, we need you." And when I went upstairs, this is what I found. Both of them sitting at the foot of the bed, waiting for me.

Mitchell says "Mommy, we both need waters."

Luke says "And a story about firetrucks."

They got both and were sound asleep for the night! I can't believe we're at the age where sleepovers are possible!!!

When we delivered Luke back home the next morning, he literally cried..."I don't want to go home." Apparently the sleepover was a success!

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Pat Bays said...

Adorable Pics and STORIES!!
Thanks for posting.
Maverick is growing like a more little baby!

Gran Karen said...

What fun for Mitchell! Maverick is so sweet napping with his thumb.