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Sunday, March 08, 2009

Weekend is over already?

How is it already Sunday night? We had a great weekend, but somehow it just went too quickly :(

Both Mitchell and I were excited to spend some time with Jacob! He seemed to enjoy his first week on the San Francisco project (I double checked the spelling this time, Dad!). I'm honestly kind of worried that the travel stress, long busy season hours and time change is going to make him sick. We'll see!

I missed my Daddy :)

Jacob: "I have to leave again today, but I'll be home Friday night!"
Mitchell: "Whatever"

Jacob and I fought over who had to get up with Mitchell at 5:10am on Saturday morning! Jacob won for the first two hours, but he let me take a 7am nap while he made Mitchell's breakfast. I LOVE the inventer of day light's savings time! So what if we lose an hour for one day? His 6:00ish wake time on Sunday morning just seems so much more reasonable!
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1 comment:

Chris, Celeste & Cass said...

So I suppose I shouldn't tell you that our little man slept until 10 am Saturday a.m. . . 14 hours of sleep!! I had to make sure he was still alive! I'm excited to hear about your travels to San Fran - I'm jealous - sounds fun!