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Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Books and Balls

Mitchell is still a "book" and "ball" boy! He loves them! I'm practicing commands with him, "Mitchell, bring mommy that book and she'll read it to you!" He'll do about 1/2 of the time :) He often does it when I don't ask though. He will sit in my lap and let me read him about the first two pages and then he'll lose interest and go get another and another and another... We have stacks of books all over the house that just get transported from one location to another. He's starting to get pretty good at trying to pick things out of the books...dogs, cats, bananas, balls, cheese, etc.

Although he likes playing with his balls himself, he REALLY likes watching Jacob and I throw them up in the air. Fairly often, he will sit in between us and we'll throw the ball back and forth to eachother over him like keep-away. He will just laugh and smile and watch intently, rarely tiring of it before we do! We do our terrible trick attempts like tossing it between our legs and around our backs....we look like a couple of idiots, but the look of amazement on his face makes us feel like Harlem Globetrotters! :)

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