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Friday, May 23, 2008

Toes in the Sand - Myrtle Beach

We took Mitchell to Myrtle Beach - it is prettier than I thought it would be! The beach hugs the coastline as far as you can see....

It's "biker" weekend at Myrtle beach, so we're surrounded by motorcycles everywhere we go. Can't say Jacob and I are too impressed, but we've learned that Mitchell does NOT discriminate! He is SUCH a ham - smiling at EVERYONE, black, white, old, young, black leather wearing, gold tooth sporting, or just plain missing teeth, you name it, he smiles at them (and yes, we have seen all of those types on this trip). We were literally surrounded by 10 ladies while shopping yesterday - he was just looking face to face, smiling. They were eating him up - a few even asked if they could squeeze his chubby legs (they were not wearing black leather, seemed to have all of their teeth and none of them were gold, so I said yes). Of course, I usually don't tell them that he smiles at's better to make them feel special by saying "oh, he must like you." :) Just another joy of having a baby.

Here's my attempt at some artistic beach photos....

Chubby toes in the sand

Lobster claw

(Can anyone guess where this hand filled with sand went next? Yep, directly for the mouth. No was intercepted.)


Anonymous said...

Thanks for your comment! Good to see Mitchell (love the name) too :) It's nice to "stay in touch" even when we don't live in town any more. Take care and have a great rest of the vacation :)

Kristen Seager

Amanda Stehlik said...

I think you should quit accounting and just take pictures! How did you focus on his little claw and have the rest out of focus? Teach me, Master!!!