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Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Look Mom, no hands!

If you were a fly on our walls, there is one conversation you would hear at least 3 times a week.
Mandi "Jacob, don't be so rough with him."
Jacob "Mandi, relax. He's a tough boy, he can handle it."
Mandi "Maybe when he's a little older, but he's too little."
Jacob "Mitchell, tell your mommy that you're not a wimpy little boy. Tell her that you're big enough to handle it."
Yes - Jacob is constantly pestering the poor little guy to no end. Sound familiar, Katy? :) He used to pester Mitchell to the point that Mitchell would start bawling and then Jacob would feel bad. Either Mitchell's getting used to it, or old enough to handle it because he seems to he liking it more these days.
Maybe I am a tad bit too protective, but it is wrong to be worried about putting a 3 month old up on your shoulders? Apparently Mitchell doesn't mind much :) Aren't they a cute little pair?!?!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Mitchell looks happy to see the view from up there! Maybe it's just because he likes to smile for Mommy and the camera.