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Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Maverick's First Birthday Party

Our little boy turned 1 year-old today!  We had a little birthday party for him on Sunday.

We gathered in the 90% finished basement to play a little game.....

...and then we all yelled "Happy Birthday, Maverick!" and Jacob brought Maverick out in a little sled to ride around the party guests :)

We headed upstairs for some lunch, and CAKE!

Want a bite?

Maverick greeted his guests with his Joe Cool sunglasses.

He got lots of fun new toys!

Maverick and his girlfriend, Gracie, even helped Grandma Bays clean up afterwards!

Party Animals:
Daddy, Mommy and Big Brother
Grandma Bays and Aunt Kelli in from Wisconsin
Aunt Darci in from Dubuque, IA
Grampy and Sherri
Joe, Courtney, Will and Parker
Andy, Jill, Addison and Alex Griebenow
Richard, April, Lucas & Jillian Wasleski
Michael, Jill, Lily, Luke and Grace Chalfie
Brian, Bev and Lilli Weber
Matt, Christy, Alex and Sadie Babler


Trish said...

Happy Birthday, Maverick!!!

Unknown said...

Maverick's First Birthday Party was truly amazing. I loved all the birthday photos. My son is also turning 5 soon and we are going to host a grand party but will book the rental party venues in Los Angeles. I have also hired a party planner for this day.