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Saturday, February 12, 2011

1 & 3 Year Check-up Stats

We recently had our 1 and 3 year check-ups with the pediatrician.  Both boys are doing so well.  They are growing like weeds and right on target with all developmental targets.

Weight 41 pounds - 97%
Height 39 1/2 inches - 90%

Weight 23 pounds, 8 oz - 75%  (At 1 year, Mitchell was 26 pounds, 4 oz-90%)
Height 30 1/2 - 75% (At 1 year, Mitchell was 31 inches-75%)

They each got a round of shots, which they tolerated very well.  This was the first time that I really had a discussion with Mitchell about what a shot was before they came in to give it to him.  He was really interested.  It took a while for the nurse to get to our room to administer the shot after our conversation and he asked "Where is the nurse?  Is she in poking someone else?" :)

KNOCK ON WOOD, but with spring right around the corner (it's almost 60 degrees today!) we're hoping with made it through the winter without any big illnesses!

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