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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Boy Talk

My conversations with Mitchell are more and more adult-like these days. He continues to amaze me with the things he knows and are a few examples....

1 - He picked up a dollar bill from off of my floor and said "This is George Washington." They must've been talking about President's Day in pre-school.

2 - I don't recall what we were talking about, but I said "We'll have to ask Grampy about that".
Mitchell: "We'll ask Dad?"
Me: "Not Dad, we'll ask Grampy"
Mitchell: "I know, but isn't Grampy your Dad?"

3 - He loves his little Bible Pre-school that we go to on Wednesday mornings. He talks more and more about God and Jesus...and has lots of questions, like...."Does God love everyone?"
Me: "Yes, he does"
Mitchell "Does he love me?"
Me: "Yes"
Mitchell "Does he love Maverick?"
Me "Yes"
He thought for a minute....
Mitchell "Does he love Spiderman?"

4 - Some of his other favorite God questions are:
"Where is Heaven?"
"How do you get to Heaven?"
"What is it like in Heaven?"
"What does God feed Baby (our deceased cat) in heaven?"

5 - Mitchell doesn't quite understand the concept of yesterday, today, and tomorrow, but he often refers to 'today' as 'this day'. When I announce that we're going to do something fun, he immediately will ask "are we doing that "THIS" day?" If the answer is no....he gets disspointed because he knows it is far away. I made the mistake of mentioning an upcoming trip to Grandma's house and he often tells me he would really like to go to Grandma's house THIS day!

6 - And a personal favorite.....
Mitchell: "You are my favorite Mommy."
Me "Thanks, Buddy...but am I your only Mommy?"
Mitchell "Yes, that's why you're my favorite."

7 Once in a while he'll throw a big word into a sentence and shock "Sharks are predators." or "Am I an herbivore?"  The kid is a sponge.

8 He has also created his own contraction - Amn't - combination of Am and Not.
Me: "Mitchell, you're going to spill that milk."
Mitchell: "No, I amn't"

Maverick is talking more and more these days too. He is a little jabbermouth, but most of it is jibberish. I like to joke that we're teaching him Swahili.
Mav's current vocabulary:
1 - Momma
2 - Dada
3 - Dog
4 - Tex
5 - Fish
6 - Shoe
7 - Duck
8 - This...while he points at something, as in "I want (NEED) this."


Gran Karen said...

I have actually heard the word Amn't before--Mitchell's Aunt Katy made it up when she was about Mitchell's age. Jacob was saying something like "Are you from Mars, Katy?" Katy replied very firmly "No, I amn't!" She continued to use the word for several years.

Imagine my surprise at hearing Mitchell use the same word, too!

Pat Bays said...

I agree with Mitchell. I wish he was coming to Grandma's "This Day"!
Maverick's really doing great. Can't wait to hear more than "dog and mama'!

Anonymous said...

Awww! I guess it's our word!! : ) - Katy