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Monday, April 04, 2011

Kelli's Bachelorette Weekend!

Kelli's (my sister) wedding is quickly approaching at the end of the month!  She came into town with a group of girls for a fun bachelorette weekend!  Most of the girls hadn't been to KC before, so we showed them the town :)

We went to the Royal's game on Saturday afternoon.  It was a BEAUTIFUL day and the Royal's even WON!

Here is Kel with her two new sister-in-laws, Kelly and Dana.

Kel and her good friend, Emily.

As you can see, there were lots of laughs :)

I think she had a really good time...I know I did :)

My Dad joined us for the game too.  Here he is with his 3 daughters.

The view of the game was nice from under his new hat.

Kel's good friend from KC, Maggie, joined us for the game too!

She had to have a fun margarita drink!

Here's our crew at the game.

Mustard won Saturday's hotdog race.  I had to get a pic of Kel with them

My sisters and Dad in front of the stadium.

The bachelorette in front of the famous fountains.

The whole crew at the game.

We went to P&L for the evening.  Fun times!

The countdown 'til the wedding is on!!!!!!!!!!!

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