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Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

We just returned from a trip to Wisconsin for Kelli's bridal showers!  Jacob rode up with us and spent the weekend with us at my Mom & David's, but we left him there to work and the boys and I headed back today.

They were AMAZING in the car!  In fact, I set a new record (with boys) of making it home in 8 hours.  It was a long drive, but worth the trip as you'll see below :)

Mark's family threw a very nice Mexican themed shower for Kel on Saturday, complete with a sombrero veil.

The term "shower" was a bit confusing to Mitchell....he said "you don't need directions to the shower, it's at our house." :)

Mitchell and Maverick were the only boys at the shower, which obviously didn't bother them one bit.

Here's a photo of the shower attendees that are in the wedding party
L to R - Anna (flower girl, Dana's daughter), Dana (bridesmaid, Mark's sister), Kelly (bridesmaid, Mark's sister), Kelli, Me (Matron of honor), Mitchell (ring bearer)

I'm not sure if you can make out Mitchell's face, but the more we told him to smile the more he purposely frowned.  Oh, wedding pics should be interesting.

Grandma was all to happy to have some boy time this weekend.

Little Mav couldn't make it through the whole shower without a snoozer.

Here's a really short video of a fun little game we played at the shower.  In order to get a prize, you first had to do a little mexican hat dance :)

On Sunday, Kel's girlfriends threw another shower for her at my Mom's house.  Here she is with the hostesses (L to R - Kel, Emily, Nicole & Erika)

Mitchell watched "The Wizard of Oz" during the shower, while Maverick enjoyed helping Aunt Kel open her presents.

(Side note: He's STILL not officially walking, but is getting pretty darn close!  Here he is standing unassisted.  Maybe he'll be walking by the wedding - April 30)

Mother Nature is making it hard on Kel and Mark.  Due to record snowfalls this year, the wedding venue they chose is predicted to be underwater on their wedding day. :(  They have finally found replacement wedding and reception venues, but invitations have already been updated ones are to come.  It has been interesting to say the least! 

1 comment:

Pat Bays said...

It was a great weekend. Thanks so much for making the long drive!