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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Oh, The Things They Say...

Our kiddos continue to keep us enteratained by the things they say and do...some recent ones for your entertainment....

Mitchell said "I REALLY love you, Mommy.  You are the only one that I let wipe my bottom."  Ahhhhh, how endearing!

Mitchell asked me to roll down the windown at Sonic, so that he could introduce himself to the carhop as follows "Hi, how are you?  It's nice to meet you.  My name is Mitchell.  What is your name?"  She responded "My name is Hayley. old are you?"...a little shocked that such a succinct introduction came from someone of his age.

For the first time ever Mitchell slammed his fingers in the car door :(  Luckily, he hasn't hurt himself much, so this was probably the worst pain he'd felt since he can remember.  The sight of blood really scared him and he wailed "Mommy, PLEASE don't let me DIE!"  Of course, this melted my heart as I hugged him and promised him that he wouldn't be going to heaven today.

Luckily, Mitchell doesn't know any cuss words...except for "damn", which he said the other day.   I scolded him for it to which he quickly responded, "I mean like the dam the beavers make!"  Oh, my this kid is his father's son!

Little Maverick is starting to have some funny quotes of his own.  We get lots of comments on his deep, raspy little voice.  The girls at the gym live for his deep voiced "bye, bye girls" each time we leave.  My favorite gym quote is when he tells me "Mommy, I missed you!" as soon as I come to pick them up!

He is talking non-stop these days, and I understand about 90% of what he says...the other 10% can usually be interpretted by his big brother.  Mitchell asked for me to tell him a story while we were driving the other day.  Maverick started saying something I couldn't quite make out.  "What is he saying, Mitchell?"  Mitchell says "He's asking for the three little pigs story."  I guess it is now a family favorite :)

Maverick and Mitchell love to tell eachother knock, knock jokes too.  They hardly ever make any sense at all to me, but they crack each other up, which in turn makes me laugh! 

I'm happy to report that our laughs and smiles continue to outweigh our time-outs and scoldings (although sometimes it doesn't feel like a victory!) Whew...these boys give us a run for our money, but man are they fun to be around!
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